
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I $ Work

It's 2:11 am. I'm awake. Actually, I'm at work (what the heck?!? They were short-staffed, I love overtime - it's a win-win!) and have just passed through my first bout of "Holy moly what was I thinking I should be in bed sleeping!" Two and a half cups of coffee have successfully gotten me though my first 3 hours here and with 5 more to go I thought I'd write a quick blog. I don't have a whole lot to write about, but maybe a little list of things I love is a good place to start. In fact, since I'm at work, I'll make my list about this 2nd home of mine.

1. Brand new Sharpies. Pointy tip. Dark ink. Perfect. I always have one in my pocket, that is, until I misplace it/lend it/leave it in a room and it is lost forever. Thankfully, we always have a nice stash and my pocket doesn't stay Sharpie-less for long.

2. Children who don't run away, throw humongous fits or spray bloody-snot boogies at me. I love those kind of children.

3. Knowing what the heck I'm talking about (in regards to medical stuff, obvs). Lots of time I don't, but sometimes I do and it rocks.

4. Working with cool chicks (and one cool dude).

5. Scrubs. They're just one step away from PJs and I like that.

6. Coffee. I'm a nurse, I work long hours, it's totally cool to be drinking coffee any time of the day.

7. 3 days a week. That's it. My requirements are fulfilled. I can (not that I do) have between 5 and 7 days off in a row without taking vacation time.

8. Overtime. I can pick up extra shifts and get lots of bang for my buck - literally. The only downside is that OT is feast-or-famine. Right now it's a feast and my bank account (and office full of new furniture) is thanking me.

9. Treats. May God bless the wonderful people who leave candy/cookies/cakes for us. My gut isn't necessarily thrilled about this, but my sweet tooth is happy as a clam.

10. Saying big words in normal conversation (and knowing what they mean) (I could just say "hole" but "ostomy" is cooler; and common, why say "heart stuff" when you could say "angina"!)

$ Mrs.BigTime